The patentim website is divided into different topics of interest for inventors and entrepreneurs. On the website, preliminary details can be found on different business initiatives in a range of subjects in both Hebrew and in English. Click here for articles about
The Patentim website contains details and articles about many different fields. This includes information about the technical aspect from the initial idea stage, where the entrepreneur is searching for creative solutions to implement his invention, to the concept planning, model planning and model building, through
patent development, product design,
prototype building, and mass production in Israel and abroad.
Details and articles can also be found on the patent registration aspect. When developing a product, many entrepreneurs must learn about the field of patent registration or design registration, as well as the technical aspect. In addition to these facets, the entrepreneur must also learn about
patents and business concepts, and being better informed can usually help move the process forward.
Sometimes, there is the need to protect a new design or a special development. It is therefore important to read different articles, like designs and patents as momentum for product development.
We provide services from the initial idea. We have developed, produced and registered patents in a wide variety of fields. It is important for an entrepreneur to be familiar with three fields: the technical field, patents, and business enterprise, since these areas are often connected to each other.
There is extensive information available regarding these three areas, and the details vary from case to case, causing some of this information to be incomplete